Man 3D Prints Entire SF City in Homage to Beloved Hometown


Some people watch movies about their hometown or call home when they long to return home. Nick Hollister from San Francisco has 3D printed a huge topographically accurate map in order to feel closer.

“Printing each tile, I got to know each neighborhood a little,” Hollister said. 

Hollister, who grew up in the Western Addition, with his three brothers, then moved in June to Providence (Rhode Island), where he is a Hasbro designer of toys.

Purdue University product designers graduate proudly displays his framed version of his native city on the wall.

Although it looks like a plaster cast of the model, it is actually made from four spools white plastic filament that span 2.5 km in length. 

It took approximately 720 hours to print the complete scale model of San Francisco, which was made up of 36 8-inch plastic tiles.

The filament is “extruded”—think of a hot glue gun—by an Ender-3 Pro 3D printer layer-by-layer, 0.2 millimeters at a time into 8-inch tiles. The tiles are then assembled into a jigsaw puzzle to form the 14-by-10-foot birds-eye-view San Francisco.

Details of San Francisco native Nick Hollister’s 3D-printed maps of San Francisco | Courtesy Nick Hollister

To create his 3D model, Hollister uses topographical data produced by LiDAR scans taken from December 2017 through April 2018 by the U.S. Geological Survey—available on OpenTopography, a public database of topographical scans. 

The data is then ingested by 3D modeling software Blender to create files the printer can read, and then it’s just a matter of letting the roughly $200 printer do its job. 

Hollister stated that accuracy is one of the many benefits of using this data. Because the maps are created using aerial topographical scans of San Francisco, Hollister feels it’s a more authentic form of re-creating San Francisco than painting or sketching a map would be.

Nick Hollister, a toy designer, 3D-printed a scale-model for San Francisco using 2.5 kilometers of plastic filament. | Courtesy Nick Hollister

Hollister claims that he could print cars or people as they are at the moment if he zoomed in sufficiently.

“It’s interesting to hold the tile because it’s like a freeze frame of that moment in 2018,” Hollister said. “This is a more accurate portrayal of the city.”

Hollister expressed his regret for San Francisco’s lack of parks, as well as the industrious energy that San Franciscans are believed to radiate.

“The feeling of the city, it’s young. It’s something you don’t get in rural areas like where I went to school,” Hollister said. “Everybody’s doing something.”

Also see

Details of San Francisco native Nick Hollister’s 3D-printed maps of San Francisco | Courtesy Nick Hollister

Hollister has also 3D-printed a model of the Foggy Bottom neighborhood in Washington, D.C., the campus of his alma mater, Purdue University, and, earlier this year, a separate 3D map of some of San Francisco’s northern neighborhoods, including the Presidio, the Marina District and North Beach.

Hollister once sold digital 3D printer files to customers for between $20-30. But he quit after getting overwhelmed by 3D-printing problems and customer questions. 

He said he would likely sell other 3D-printed maps if time allows, but cautioned they are time-consuming and would be more expensive as a result, so it could be months before he is ready to set up shop—if he ever decides to do that.

“I haven’t arrived at an actual price,” Hollister said of making new model maps for customers.

Hollister stated that his current SF map maps are irreplaceable and not for sale.

“They hold personal value,” Hollister said.


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