Epson to End All Laser Printer Sales by 2026

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(Photo: Raysonho @ Open Grid Scheduler/Wikimedia Commons)
Epson, the Japanese hardware giant best known for their printers, has decided to end its laser printer division. This is due to sustainability concerns. The company quietly decided to discontinue selling laser printer hardware in 2026. The company will instead focus on its more environmentally-friendly inkjet printers, according to a statement obtained by The Register. The company has stopped selling laser printers in America, but it maintained its line in other markets such as Europe and Asia. Although consumers will not be able to buy new Epson laser printers starting in 2026, Epson promises to support existing customers with spare parts and supplies.

Epson claims that its inkjets produce 85 percent less CO2 than laser units, and are up to 85 per cent more efficient than their laser units. Although these statistics may not be relevant to those who print occasionally at home, they can help businesses and non-profit organizations reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs.

Inkjets often require fewer single-use materials. Laser printers use toner, fusers and developer. Inkjets only require ink and a waste ink container. Inkjet printers not only produce 60 percent less ewaste than laser printers but also use a lot less oil to make one cartridge.

(Photo: DragonLord/Wikimedia Commons)

The decision to end all laser printer sales is likely a part of Epson’s “Environmental Vision 2050,” a circular economic model the company first committed to in 2018 and revised last year. Its biggest focus is Epson’s promise to become carbon-negative and “underground resource free” by 2050.

That said, inkjet printers aren’t the definitive solution to sustainable printing that Epson would like consumers to believe them to be. Inkjet cartridges can dry quickly, which means that some printer owners end up buying more ink than they use. Inkjet printing is more expensive per page than laser printing, so the energy savings gained from getting rid of a laser printer may not be worth it. Epson was also in trouble recently when it forced some printer owners to visit an authorized repair facility to fix their suddenly broken machines. Some Epson L360, L130, L220, L310, and L365 users even have to replace their machines altogether, which only puts more money in Epson’s pocket while producing seemingly unnecessary e-waste.

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