This AI robot arm can do everything from making coffee to 3D printing

The AI camera

The robot arm has an AI camera that can capture 30 frames per second. It is equipped with RISKV-based processors, AI accelerators, and voice recognition to support features such as object detection, voice recognition, real-time face recognition, and voice recognition. AI cameras offer other features, such as image classification, color recognition and line tracking.

Display and connectivity

The robot arm can be used with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Users can also pair their smartphones with the robot arm using Bluetooth. The robot arm features a touchscreen display of 2.4 inches and voice recognition. It also features a speaker that allows users to chat with the device. Bluetooth makes it possible to create Internet of Things (IoT), or wirelessly control Huenit via the internet.

Robot arm

Huenit’s robot arm can turn 220 degrees and lift 26.5 ounces. The robot arm can reach up to 15.4 inches in length and can aim at 0.002 inches. You can add different tools to the arms, such as a 3D printer, or high-power laser to cut or engrave many materials. The temperature control system of the high-power laser is controlled by an automatic cooling system. The laser module can be used to create artwork using materials such as paper, balsa and plywood, foam paper, and anodized aluminium.

3D printer

The 3D printer also features an auto-leveling system and a 40w hot end heater. It also has a dual fan cooling system. A pen module is included with the 3D printer that can be used for drawing or writing. With the pen holder module, the robot arm can use colorful pens. It can be used to draw calligraphy, vectors, and sketches.

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